Monday, October 20, 2008

another roadside attraction

have you read it? i have a feeling tom robbins loved amanda most of all... or maybe its just that i do... page 12, about halfway down the page:

    "The most important thing in life is style.  That is, the style of one's existence--the characteristic mode of one's actions--is basically, ultimately what matters.  For if man defines himself by doing, then style is doubly definitive because style describes the doing."
    After nearly an hour's monologue, she summed up by remarking,  "It is content, or rather the consciousness of content that fills the void.  But the mere presence of content is not enough.  It is style that gives content the capacity to absorb us, to move us; it is style that makes us care."

its been a while since ive cited a work of literature, so while im sure i could look up the mla guidelines, i hope mr robbins (or his publishers) wont be too upset at my referencing amanda, because it is only out of love,  deep and undying love of the unique, that drives me...

there are those out there who are truly stylish... like they couldnt be anything but... and you know when you see them because you cant look away and you cant stop smiling...

i like your style


uncledon said...

Yikes!! Style?? Never thought much about it, but now that you mention it, i agree. I'm drawn to people who express themselves so clearly, so cleanly, so uniquely. And, as you say, you know it when you see it.
Thanks for the gentle tap.......

Tomás said...

i can see you now, little bea, reading at night with the light by the bed and your reading glasses, putting the book down with a sigh and telling imani he needs to perfect the manner of his existence as he drags the couch across the floor with a growl...

uncledon said...

Dear Beazer:
Style? You are style. Luna Bea. The Heat. Keep blogging relentlessly. And remember to vote.

uncledon said...

Re: Imani and the need to "perfect the manner of his existence"--------

Mani and a Toad
Relaxing in the Garden
Surely Perfection

Legs twitch in dream chase
Rabbit oh Rabbit, slow down
Mousie come here quick

Perfection is near
Laying at your feet farting
Perfect stinky dog